a matter of things


It’s in the ambivalent
of the word
that I encounter
the plain
that surround us
like fences
of yesterday
the external
inanimate junk
that seems
a reflection
of the sublime
the objective wasteland
that is
to the subjective Edens
it is in that sense
of duality
I see all things
the nascent
finite infinity.




Nihilistic Poetry

second place

second place poet

learn meanings
coated roughness
in tender existence
panic so beautiful
you call it

learn the noise
behind the word
lurking behind
a search
so silent
you call it

learn abyss
a fall
inevitably soft
you call it

learn meaning
holding the concept
ready to kill
the unity of thought
you should call it



nihilistc poetry

A view of happiness

Child Happiness

is the fly
on the tip of my nose
that with the slightest
flies away


is my beard
made of many individual
always shaggy
thus never uniform


is rebound love
a one-night stand
after I met Joy
before I knew Grace


is my tongue
quiet and sparing
but drooling
for the divine


is happiness
a rare antique
from my childhood’s


Modern Poetry

booze in my theology

When I wake
the day
a wide-open eye

I had a god
under my fingernail
but onychomycosis
got to him one day

I am a connoisseur
of nothing relevant

by night
are empty champagne bottles
waiting to be full

I drink red, white, pink, yellow, black, eerie
still looking for a fermented god
that even a nihilist wino can love
still looking for the wretched divinity
that will close the eye




nihilist poet

a brief view on my own life

21st century poet

I wear thirteen-year-old T-shirts
but I spray them with the most expensive colognes around
I don’t buy them, only use the testers
I’m socially awkward so I might come close
to touch your hair without asking for your permission
you’d probably punch me
but I’ll say that I’m weird and sorry
I’ve never punched anybody in my life, please don’t hurt me
I’m not afraid to write a poem
when something beautiful touches me inside
I see my drunkenness as a preface to wisdom
when I drink a poem I become a mystic
when I peruse your vodka I become a breathing metaphor
I use my sadness as a dictionary
to decipher the language of modern civilization
I do not wish to bore you with my autobiography
when you are done, burn up this poem and use the flame
to warm up your soul.


modern poetry

the future of a vibration

Twilight Church Dome

kneel and pray
sit in lotus
on the highways
fill the fields with prostrated bodies
till perception becomes only vibration
cease action
we’ll go extinct
but in exchange
we would have the supreme reality, bliss, timelessness –
these no longer words
but palpable facts,
enough calm to abolish the despair
of another millennium
of 20th centuries;
decay in silence
till there is a pure core of beauty
the entire cosmos
as the tingling of an approaching
eternal orgasm

21st century poetry

Supine bewilderment

bedroom shadow poetry

What muscle can I use
to lift despair
despair that’s agape and out of words
hope-coated despair
that keeps us waiting for a train
that was never built;
while the body of the universe
convolutes in acrobats and yogas
I feel like a cramp
at its heel
what is my next move –
let the future be?
but this future
is a dividing wall
between us and our _____
                   (enter your raison d’être here)
I have a sledgehammer
but only atrophied muscles
to do the job.

nihilistic poetry

mental impairment


what is it?
we spill it
in the sea, land, air,
it moves: shoot it/sell it
my eyes
their swollen veins
as synonym to animals
I feel the guilt
here in cluster city
army by determinism
the sapiens beast
beasts of language
consuming and plunder!
irradiant ecosystems
I plead guilty
punishment: stupidity
bereft of innocence
I walk towards the sea
with suicidal venom
leaving behind
the machinery of pain
I fueled;
for what am I
to say what’s right or

at risk

Drunk Nihilistic Poet

I had to be prepared for anything,
I knew well my predicament
of being the embodiment of some rebellion
without a cause, or possibly,
a very vague one,
I was set to play this role
till the curtain of my life
would set and finally be able to rest
from such a demanding performance;
nonetheless, I had to be prepared for anything
this urgency to be sporadic, risky and insane
would take me tonight into another dark alley
another hidden hour in the middle of the night,
wherever I would end, I had to be ready
since I had no choice
but to follow through with the command
of fate,
even while I see the strings over my head
puppeteering me to go here or do that
I cannot resist
for the strength of the strings is greater
than my awareness of them,
so I bid farewell
I leave into the end of the night,
as you could say,
to the disfigured events of nighttime
the ghastly stars
the only witnesses
to my rampant


contemporary poetry