finger points

dream of rain


  because the wind grows my nails
I sit this evening
on the ledge of an ancient
the rain is the dream of the present
the noise of rock
of my bones –
penumbra is the rejoining of fragments
in this quiet atmosphere
speech is green grass returning
to the distant seed
because the wind has fed from
these thoughts of dimension
I am bottom
of the
           pendulum life


Modern Poetry

by the wish

Dandelion Close Up

I don’t talk much
what’s going to happen
probably doesn’t

that my silence
travels here
nowhere else

unshuffled words
my ideas circle
like moths
about a light

too bad
I aborted eternity
this spurious


Nihilistic Poetry

parcels of life

I try
to surpass existence
I fail
I simply: exist

I feel myself in the world
I am in it
yet I spend most of my time
that I am not

I don’t deny that there
is something
my only yearning
is that I cease being
                              part of it



Nihilistic Poetry

sui generis

A portrait of nothingness –

the tininess in between the worlds

the invisible underlying cup

a blank canvas for the painted universe

absent undisturbed gulf

the sleep that dreams me

                  while I play hardball

                        with the junkies of pursuits.


Nihilistic Poetry

once existed

To once exist

The day begins
has it?
already night
the stars squash me
with their colossal laughter
is it funny or cruel?
hopelessness is my cue
I’m a colonial boy
with imperial regrets
I have stepped onto cities
that once existed, oh history
I – is a word
the most engrossing word
for the conscious beast
I am impossible
and all the rest
I step onto a stone or an abyss
is still undecided


Nihilistic Poetry


Secret of Life

I woke up today reading
the Secret of Life
the stairway was the same
but the streets, oh the streets
they were building blocks of awe
molecular lumps alive with the wind
processes in motion
          like trees in a storm
every face was a map
charting the layers of the universe
scenes changed as propelled by engines of time
orchestration by a slow chaos
everything interconnected by invisible spokes
         why o why
must days like these
come to an end
tomorrow I must wake up
and open the first pages of
the Gates of Unknowing.


Modern Poetry

keeping track

Time Thoughts
Jet stream of time
squirting months
momentarily too late
to do anything
that will save the moment

history has me by the skin
I am all biodegradable
compost for the unknown

appetite for the instant
that will last for centuries

the idiot
as I am
seeing time
as a machine
industrialized for more

there is fluidity
in this duration
that spreads like a flood
over the coastlines
of my
isolated sojourn.


Modern Poetry

ultimate questions

and so
my unsystematic leisure
by better name
take a bottle of wine
to the dilettantish midnight
a solitude so drunk
it spirals like an epiphany
I am hugged by prophesy
consensually the two
hemispheres of my brain
tend to disagree
all I need
is an intermediary,
to borrow a medium
like your saliva
carries voice
place my cadmium red
on your activity
like a pollock
dripping from the sky
the question tonight
really was
why act
when it is still
action is deliverance
eh, prisoner?



Nihilistic Poetry

a matter of things


It’s in the ambivalent
of the word
that I encounter
the plain
that surround us
like fences
of yesterday
the external
inanimate junk
that seems
a reflection
of the sublime
the objective wasteland
that is
to the subjective Edens
it is in that sense
of duality
I see all things
the nascent
finite infinity.




Nihilistic Poetry

it’s not always easy

The iris
way beyond
the circumference of light itself
that stare you give me
makes my skin
rockhard reptilian
immersion is your talent
deluge as dissatisfaction
till I drown from inertia
your heart is a fish
in the reddest sea
my bait is saline love
your iris is a flying saucer
abducting my hope
nothingness is two feet away
but I’m afraid to look
in this sad world of ours
eyes should have been
history’s greatest revolution.



modern poetry