
This site features some of my poetry (including quite a bit of juvenilia), early works in art and photography; among other productions of bliss & despair.

My art website is found at pablosaborio.com

Browse below to read my latest poetry both in English and Spanish. Or quickly jump to modern art paintings, photography, and existential quotes that have inspired me.

©2008 – 2024 Pablo Saborío

9 thoughts on “

  1. Hola:

    He agregado tu blog al Directorio de Blogs de Escritores Costarricenses (www.directorioblogscr.blogspot.com)

    Si gustás, podés enviar una nota biográfica y una descripción del sitio.

    El espacio está abierto para colaboraciones (artículos, reseñas, críticas, etc.) Te invito a difundir a la idea y a seguirnos. también hay página en Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/blogsliterarioscostarica).

    Aceptamos quejas, sugerencias, correcciones y demás.


  2. Estoy interesado en seguir tu blog. Pero no encuentro el buton para seguirte. Solamente encontre el buton para tu feed. Tienes plan de poner ese buton?

  3. he Pablo can you please mail me names of good nihilistic and existentialist poets to read through on above email please

  4. You make me feel like a voyeur… I can’t keep from looking at you, reading you, watching your art and photographs like little pictures inside a beautiful mind spilling all over us… You’re absolutely enchanting and I feel like I should apologize for even saying that. *Don’t worry… I’m NOT a stalker. You’re just really… very much… You and
    It’s hard not to look.

  5. Wow, you have a lot of great work here! I am curious about something. I come from a different worldview; what does personal future look like from the vantage point of nihilism?

  6. Hi Bre, thanks for stopping by. The future in this life does not generally concern me, whatever should happen will happen. I am constantly aware that I will pass away one day and this awareness of mortality confers to the present moment a total and absolute value in relation to time (past or future). I can sincerely say life becomes more intense and infinitely more mysterious when the future is of no concern.

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