Travel: nothings and everythings



It was today
that I decided
to scratch the sky,
to turn the leaves
of the clouds,
to learn the language
of the tiny suns;
yes today I deposit
diamonds of silent voice
inside the cups of galaxies;
I want to pinch
the catastrophe of the heavens
and have all the nights
dance around my sudden life
like fierce nebulae of
nothings and everythings.

Contemporary Poetry

more heavens

It dreams, sounds, quivers like a barrage

drenched in nostalgia these figuratively unknown

release the hungry words to pillage the earth out of its meaning

left with the questions that have already been answered by

above-the-clouds, silences-drawn-by-the-desert, light-colliding-water;

a definition that can be caressed and departed from

words that came so close to smelling of life

puny insignificancies that were almost a secret under the skin

my hand, these verbs and the kill

pogroms and a consequent silence

I surrender

due to bluest aim

as a truth that defeats

a heaven in me




my world eye

The world is my excuse
for existing
things, events, voices, phenomena
expand before me
like leaves from a budding green
new and virgin patterns
buried in the dot
under the nose of my own consumption
untouchable heavens as the purity of my soul
the small lesser ground
that I call:
and my world.


Nihilistic Poetry


If stories had some sort of reality I would narrate my dissolution amongst the heavenly bodies; if fantasies were not merely fictions I would vanish careless in the wind; if words were not all vain and empty I would tell everyone that life is a bubble of dream and we are nothing but footprints on sand.
If changing the world meant anything I would form a new republic; if truth existed I would refute the philosophers; if god existed I would be fearless to leave this world…
On my 26th birthday. January 7th 2008