
outer world


when did it begin?
reaching intelligence’s cul de sac
walking away with empty pockets
haven thrown all theories away
like burnt shreds of money
now dripping after
falling into a puddle of sensation
nothing belonging to me above or below
I foresee the outcome already –
a maddening silence
staring out the window
because the birds
are pretty.




the only thing worth knowing

I changed sides
of the road
to some ultimate
I was wrong
it was only
another sidewalk
I had been
doing nothing
staring at letters
in books
knowing their meaning
the coffee got cold
I go for walks
when I get tired
of sitting.

I’d like to say
this is all true
but I only have
noise and vague memory
I have no idea
what I did


of unknown reverberations


gray ground
the little curvaceous
seeking self

a methodical
appraisal of the

empty fields
an axiomatic love
of chaos
and labyrinth

light never
but its image
traverses time

the tree was spotted
as the period
at the end
of a graceful sentence
that spoke of
a timeless seed

the eyes that were
given to me
eloped with darkness

an affair
of unknown
and reverberations.





Nihilistic Poetry Blog

happy 30




happy thirty
happy death
happy where are we

I have traveled
inside a cave
crushed inside skin
dried patches of skin
hands callous
the incurable stink of walking
over distance
dark distances

I have traveled
in dangerous caverns
falling, screaming

for thirty years
closing in on those
scarce drips of essence
those impossible puddles of truth

inside a cave

where I begin to feel like shadow
dark layer upon dark layer
going nowhere

I already hear them singing:

happy happy thirty
happy birthday
joyous shadow
lost lost lost in time





nihilistic poetry

of becoming


The possession of my self
in the refraction lonely
something sees as I
the trembling skin
of bright tomato
and someone desires
to lay bare on its surface
light like reflection
of a lamp
the map of understanding
may be indifferent
to axis of human
nothing belongs to earth
and the real
on the dream
of matter.

Nihilistic Poetry Blog


Poetry of eyes

by the brook of your stare
I meet the sound
of your drowning,
alas’ so light and lasting
a word surfacing like sighs from your eyes
I make room and stand back
so you run into the invisible
curl of a mistake,
my child you’ve begotten
sadness and its truth
is more distance than those streaming
glares that leap from walls to illusions –
I recognize our mutual meaning
nowhere in this fog
the outline of solution
nor the source of our misery.

Nihilistic Poetry

I have the world

aarhus giant kid -


I have the world
like pulp
inside my fist.

The juice that drips
like concentrates
of dream.


I refuse to describe you.


World you are in my grasp,
but I refuse to recite your
casual contents.

I have eloped with silence,
my petty pet.



Nihilistic Poetry Blog

black wine

Wine Poetry 2011

I have closed my eyes.

In a mouthful of wine
the afternoons like throngs of mice
running hungry and wild down the gullet of
my absent body.

I taste in a nook of wine
oblivion- as a room
where existence breeds
in orgies of secret (and sweet)
mechanisms and laws.

It is all there with bubbles and stain.

My eyes are shut.

The coasts of my routine
full of drunk mist…
the departure – a breath – as a gust
of feeble constellations.

The sip.
Abrasive but fleeting.
Like the burn of a glimpse of sun.

My eyes are melting in black wine
while I drag the contours
of the untouchable world
into the invisibility of my sleep.



Poetry 2011

drops of truth (a translation)

I have felt the temptation to exist
as oblique impressions of black mystery
on the muted mantle of a desert

I have felt the necessity of vanishing –
diving in the diaphanous ocean of death
in search of its currents of agile repose

I have felt the secrecy of the soul
it moves as a needle marking seconds
over the limpid circle of silence

I have felt the province of oblivion
as drops of dawn attached to the crystal
of my eyes when I contemplate – truth.




the perception of nothing

Perception of nothingness

The curtain gilded by hidden source
everything is wrestling in a futile battle for birth
it is underground miasma where my eyes
fall upon like castles of music;
barely touched
barely a cusp from the fountain of indifferent distribution
the memory of existing essentially empty of existence
colorless fraction of silence
floating in the stream that roams
through the anfractuosity of the event;

my toy car
mother eyes


the fuel of phenomena

distant but within sight
the constellation of the hunt

blue impermanent struggle
words as the indeterminate quarks of reason

my folded heart
in the plenitude of the unknown.

Nihilistic Poetry Blog